Sunday, March 04, 2007

Stupid Blog

I really don't have any excuse for not posting a lot lately, except to say that my life has been pretty dry. I've been going to work, eating crappy heat n' serve food, and that's pretty much it. Maybe it's the weather? All this snow has got me pretty bummed out. I want it to end so that me and Jon can finally get those longboards we've been talking about for what seems like forever.

I guess I have a job interview on Thursday that I'm excited about. It's at a bank, which is basically the place that I've wanted to work at for the past 3 years, for reasons I can no longer remember. It's a good job to have, right? It would be sad to leave the chocolate shoppe, but I'm sure that my tripled salary would be of some comfort. Fingers crossed!


At 4:49 PM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

Good luck on the interview. As for the longboards, do you know which style you're getting? I've got a couple of ideas kicking around, but I need to know which syle you're getting and I need to do some research on paint too.

At 8:26 AM, Blogger Tay said...

I've got my heart set on the Diablo, and I'm pretty sure that Jon was looking at the Pinner.

At 12:10 PM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

Yeah, I never entirely sure if Jon wanted me to whip up something for him too - not that I mind or anything. I was actually hoping you'd get the Diablo, I really wanna work with that board.

At 8:06 PM, Blogger Tay said...

I talked to Jon about it this morning, and seemed to derive some level of amusement out of having a board designed by you. The only trouble is, I think he's having second thoughts on the pinner, and may be shopping around (as is his style) for something else. Hust so's you know.

If I may be so bold as to ask, what kind of design did you have in mind?

At 9:07 PM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

You know the kinda tattoo looking designs on the spirits in the new Zelda? Something like that, but it wouldn't just be a pattern, it's be like a face or a bird or something (I haven't thought it through 100% because I'm kinda busy with portfolio now). For colors I was thinking either regular wood back with green woodstain instead of paint or dark brown/black woodstain black with glow-in-the-dark paint. The other 2 ideas I had were something with ninjas or something I call "the see-thru board". The idea there is to paint a scene that looks like it would be the view from under the board when someone is riding on it.

At 9:08 PM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

The first idea I think would be easier on the diablo, it being the most symetrical board. The other 2 ideas could be adapted to anything... probably.

At 9:38 PM, Blogger Cara-bellum said...

Good luck interviewing, Tay! Which bank is it for? I hear some of them give you benefits and full-time perks even if you're part time (like, 30hrs/week or something). Knock 'em dead. And then impress the next-in-line so THEY can hire you.

At 11:58 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Thanks for the support guys, I'm sure I'll be sharp on Thursday. I don't want to jinx it by talking too much about it though. Rest assured, if I don't get the job, the rest of the banks in this city will be hearing from me and my godly-looking resume.

Your design ideas sound tight man, but that's really no surprise. That See-Thru Board idea sounds really hard, but I really like the idea of the green wood-stain. That would be a lot of fun, I bet.


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