Saturday, June 18, 2005

Sims 2 is giving me problems. Making faces is pretty fun and easy, but making clothing is getting to be a real headache. The clothing files in the game are 512x512 resolution, but the game automatically cuts custom clothing down to 256x256, making it look shitty. I have been losing a considerable amount of sleep looking for the solution to this, pouring through forums of complete retards who will ask the same stupid question that is answered in the very first post.

I'm pretty sure that we need to blow up the internet.

The game itself is pretty pointless, which is the fun of it all. Basically you guide these sims through everyday life, making sure they don't piss their pants or starve to death. You get them jobs and lives and send them to parties or host your own. I can see how it could get addictive, especially if you're building your own custom neighboorhoods. Just don't expect me to turn into a Phil, neglecting actual life in favour of navigating a life simulation.

I had a really interesting discussion about violence and videogames yesterday. I was cited a study that showed that having a gun in a house can increase the level of violence within the house. Not that any of the violence involves the gun, but that it's mere presence in a house can create a more violent atmosphere. This isn't of course to say that videogames are a tool of violence, if anything they are merely a guide to it, an instruction book. This is how you jack a car. This is how you hold a gun. This is how you punch your best friend in the throat, etc. It all made me think, but none of it really changed my mind from the solution: Make parents responsible for the media their children consume.

By the end of the conversation, we both agreed that new parents should be handed a 1,000 page book of common sense idioms which is to be read in full during pregnancy. "Look, you've got 9 months to kill, here is some shit you should know so your kids aren't fucked up losers." If called upon, I would write that book.


At 2:53 PM, Blogger The Irishman said...

tay, right on. I'd co author it if you needed some help.... but not right now, I'm throwing a sim bbq for my imaginary friends...


At 4:30 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Problem solved, no thinks to the internets! Expect to see some fun pictures by tomorrow morning.

At 12:27 AM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

About the book... I know some one who's got a few of those nine months left if you hurry up.


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