Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Hurry Up Let's Go

Awesome news, fellow bloggers! I am no longer trapped in the same dead-end job that has dogged me for years. I am now in a new, exciting dead-end job that will dog me for years to come!

Just kidding. I actually just got a job at Transcontinental Printing, this huge factory-style print house that makes those flyers that everybody throws away without reading them. It doesn't sound that bad, really: I'll be making more money than with security, better (read: some, as opposed to none) benefits, and ample opportunity for advancement. At first I'll have to slag it out doing menial labour with illegal immigrants, but I'm sure I'll get bumped up the line soon enough. Right now I've got a fat steak thawing for the grill, a glass of wine in my hand, and a cigar that's just begging me to celebrate in my own quite way. Who am I to disapoint such a noble smokable?

Also new on the horizon is the roommate situation. After Nude-Fest '06 (shudder), it'll be good to get some fresh blood into this house. Once again, Craigslist has come through in spades, and I must wade through the emails from Korean exchange students who moved to Canada to "walk around and learn english". It really is amazing the ratio of reliable humans who answer the ad, as opposed to exchange students who wish to abuse exclamation points in email. They all admit that they don't have jobs, why do they bother me with their nonsense? Honestly, I wish I could share some of these emails with you without looking like an insensitive jerk.

In random linkage, I found a really rad pair of shoes that Ryan might be interested in, empirical evidence that Darth Vader is opposed to gay rights, and my favorite beer commercial ever. HOORAY BEER!


At 10:30 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Crying. Hiding under the covers. Cursing every god that could be resposible for my traumatic aging. Thanks for reminding me. Maybe we'll do karaoke.

At 5:06 PM, Blogger Cara-bellum said...

'grats on the new job!!

But... Nude Fest '06?!?! Do I even wanna know.

At 11:23 PM, Blogger Tay said...

No Cara, no you do not. Let's just say that I was at work at the time, but the neighbors complained, and I ended up getting a very angry call from the landlord.

At 9:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Because anyone who isn't white is an illigal immigrant.

At 6:45 PM, Blogger OmniTech said...

I like how anonymous makes Tay sound racist. Good work!

At 12:19 AM, Blogger Cara-bellum said...

True, when it is my goddamn eye tracker that is the racist.

Besides, I read no mention of white, black, yellow, brown, or purple in that post. Only that illegal immigrants often work menial labour, which, while it may be sad, is quite true.

Me thinks Anon is a wee bit sensitive on the topic. It's called projection, yo, look it up. (I mean, don't believe all that Freudian bullcrap, but look it up for the learning, you know.)

At 12:26 AM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

Those are some nice kicks. I gotta show you my new Penguins, they are the same vein of shoe, just less piratey (and therefore less awesome).

At 4:19 AM, Blogger Tay said...

I don't suppose it would make Anonymous any less preturbed by stating that along with the illegal immigrants, I'm probably working with an equal number of ex-convicts? I'm willing to bet it's a 50/50 ratio.

This is what you get when you don't do background checks.

At 10:31 AM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

For some reason I'm pretty sure Dat used to, or still does, work there too.

At 4:14 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Really? I'll have to keep an eye out for him.

At 10:10 AM, Blogger OmniTech said...

So, which one is he? An illegal immigrant or an ex-convict?

At 5:01 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What's to stop a guy from being both? Equal opportunity, people!

At 1:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope you become a better person Tay. I didn't enjoy knowing you before, you were one of the most unpleaseant jerks I have ever known. Good luck with everything!

At 10:00 PM, Blogger jon said...

Wow, Anon, sorry to see you don't have the huevos to use your real name when you criticize other people on teh intarnets! That must suck. But I guess there's something to be said for sitting on your high horse behind a wall of anonymity. Good luck with everything!

At 7:29 PM, Blogger Cara-bellum said...

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