Friday, December 22, 2006

Decemberween Carols

So what's your favorite Christmas song? Working at Bernard Callebaut, I am subject to 8 hours of christmas music every day. And every day I wait in anticipation of my favorite song to come on the radio, to make the rest of the day's consumerism-crazed chocolatiering worth it. My favorite song is of course the Bing Crosby/David Bowie duet of The Little Drummer Boy, but on the suggestion of one of my coworkers I've discovered a cornocopia of delicious Christmas songs by one of my favorite folk artists of all time. Sufjan Stevens released a 5-cd set of all the Christmas EPs that he recorded personally for his friends and family, and there are some real hits on there. I'm giving the collection to my mom for Decemberween, hoping to influence her into liking good music by tempting her with her favorite christian carols done by a good man who sings good notes. It's only $25, and it comes with a lyrics sheet, guitar chords, story book, comic book, and sticker sheet, so it's a super deal. I would totally recommend picking it up.

In other news, the Katamari Gingerbread House is done, I hope you enjoy it.

I realize that I've probably made several atrocioius spelling errors in this post. It's late, and I've been working very hard lately. Maybe I'll fix it later, but right now I don't care.


At 4:43 PM, Blogger OmniTech said...

Its Candymari Damacy! Will you eat this awesome creation!?

At 10:14 AM, Blogger Tay said...

not likely. The orange that is at the center of the katamari is probably super-old at this point.


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