Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Some Questions

Is 300 a good movie?

No. It is not a good movie. It is the greatest movie. That is to say, it is the greatest movie where at least a thousand people are murdered in the coolest ways possible, and a guy with a rad beard shouts things in such a way that I wish to emulate him.

"This. Is. SODA!!!!" or possibly: "Tonight we dine... AT MOXIES!!!"

It's awesome stuff, and you have to see it.

Is El-P's I'll Sleep When You're Dead a good album?

Yes. Yes it is. If Phillip K. Dick was into rap, this is the stuff he would dig. It's scary, paranoid, and angry as all get out.


At 3:36 AM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

Nothing bad to say about the tacked on political allegory?

At 7:52 PM, Blogger Cara-bellum said...

They serve that at Moxie's now? Mmm... allegory.

Oh, and you're completely welcome re: Modus Pwnens. If you decide to branch out into apparel, it even works double time, as a play on "mode"!

Wow, am I ever nerdy!

At 9:51 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Y'know Ryan, it's funny. The entire time during the movie, when I wasn't cackling at some dude who was getting his leg severed, I was joking with Kyle about how the movie was more or less exactly like Team America: World Police.

"Freedom isn't free"

That's right, hot lady. Freedom costs a buck o' nine.

At 9:54 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Furthermore, one of my favorite columnists had something to add that I didn't see. Dan Savage puts his unique perspective on this movie, saying: "Homophobic? It's Ann Coulter on a meth binge."

Now I don't hold any autoritative opinion on this sort of thing, but the last thing I would call this movie is homophobic. Any thoughts?

At 11:20 PM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

I suppose when he puts it that way it makes sense, but between the thousands of man-nipples, millions of man-abs and the male cast being clad in broze-age Speedos most of the time it's hard to notice that it's homophobic. If anything I felt more gay for having enjoyed that movie so much.

At 9:56 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Thanks man, you've just made my day in what has been an exceptionally crappy week.

At 1:40 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Hey we beat god of war 2 so the week wasnt all bad....

At 10:04 PM, Blogger Tay said...

You're right. I may be single, balding, and poor, but at least I'm good at video games.

At 12:44 AM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

Oh dude, that sucks. Text me tomorrow or something, I'll buy you a bunch of beer and we'll get real drunk.


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