Tuesday, May 22, 2007

We're Having a Party

So Sam has invented a holiday. Saturday, May 26th is International Eat A Whole Duck Day. Everybody I know that is cool is invited to drop by my place (likely early afternoon-ish) and eat a whole duck. Ducks will not be provided. Music will, however, and also good times playing with the Wii. If you want to know where you can get a whole duck, talk to Ryan. He will probably tell you to go to Chinatown and throw a rock, whereby you can proceed to apologize to the man you just hit, and ask him kindly if he will sell you a whole duck. See ya Saturday!


At 8:07 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

"I'm sorry. I have been quite tired lately. Ask someone else, will you?"

If video games have taught me anything, that is how the man in Chinatown will respond.

In other news, here is a super easy recipe for roast duck. It was pretty fatty, as duck is wont to be, and the butter is probably excessive and unnecessary. You could just baste with the fat from the duck if you wanted. And you might want to put some big chunks of potato under the duck to: a) hold it up and out of all the melted fat, and b) soak up some fat so the oven doesn't start smoking like mad.

Okay, now I'm making it sound complicated, when it's really not. Just try it, it was freakin' delicious.

At 4:59 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Actually, I'm pretty sure that the plan is to pick up some already pre-BBQ'd ducks from Chinatown. Still, that recipe is not a bad idea. Thanks!

At 8:05 PM, Blogger OmniTech said...

March huh.

At 9:24 PM, Blogger Tay said...

Woops. Thanks for the heads up there. I'm pretty sure we all knew which month I really meant.

At 9:45 PM, Blogger Ryan Alvin Tang said...

Instead of Potato you could probably use a mirepoix for extra flavor. Also you can use the word "mirepoix".

At 6:51 PM, Blogger OmniTech said...

That doesn't sound good.

At 1:30 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

mmmmm.... frenchness.


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